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Effective Implementation is the Key to Sports Development in Africa – Shogo Shodunnke


Shogo Shodunnke, the Chief Executive Officer of Phreestyle Sport, believes that the untimely implementation of ideas and recommendations is hindering the rapid development of sports in Africa.

Shodunnke expressed this view while speaking as a panelist at the Afro Sports Summit 2024, held at the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons in Accra on Wednesday.

He noted that numerous sports-related research studies conducted by scholars and Africans who graduated from top universities worldwide have provided insights into the problems facing African sports. However, their recommendations have lacked the necessary and proper implementation.

According to Shodunnke, who is an alumnus of FIFA CIES, “We have scholars who have done a lot of research, and we have many Africans who have graduated from top universities in the world and understand the problems of African sports. But the problem is implementation.”

He emphasized that differing mindsets and interests have also affected sports development in Africa. Some individuals are more focused on financial gain than on the actual development of sports, which has contributed to and exacerbated existing problems.

Shodunnke argued that improper appointments have also contributed to the problem, as those in leadership positions have failed to bring the right minds into the fold.

The brain behind the AMAPRO Africa Development Program expressed that there are ample opportunities in Africa. He believes that Africa can emulate sporting ideas from Europe and the United States through collaboration among like-minded individuals willing to change the narrative.

“A lot of things are happening in Europe and America that we can bring back here for implementation. We can achieve this through collaborations, creating positive and impactful ideologies and philosophies, having the same mentality, and using common sense.”

He revealed that the AMAPRO concept, since its inception in 2016, is already changing the narrative, as the championship has raised 165 professional footballers who are now breadwinners from the grassroots.

Shodunnke further emphasized that the concept of PLAY SAVE, PLAY PLAN has also helped athletes by providing them with the necessary skills, knowledge, and training for life after sports

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