FC Ebedei Players, Coaches COVID-19 Test Return Negative


Relief for the management of FC Ebedei of Sagamau after all its players and coaches tested negative for the novel virus, COVID-19.

Recall The Oliseh Boys on Sunday took the test as it was one of the guidelines set by the Presidential Task Force (PTF) and made mandatory by the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) to all football teams taking part in the three tiers of the country’s leagues.

Club President, Barrister Churchill Oliseh informed of the cherry news.
“We’re excited as the results of the 16 players and four coaches who took the COVID-19 test under the supervision of accredited officials of the Nigeria Centre for Disease and Control (NCDC) have came back negative.

“It’s a big relief to the team, as recently our players returned to camp having spent the yeltide with their respective families in other parts of the country, so we were anxious of knowing the outcome of the tests after the process was completed on Sunday.

“Having got the all clear from the NCDC, it means we can now step up our training sessions ahead the new Nationwide League One (NLO) season, which kicks off February 10. Full training programme is expected to commence as from Monday next week.”

However, the outcome of the test results won’t make the management relax the guidelines on COVID-19 while in camp, all players will still adhere to protocols on and off the field as we are also warry of the increasing number of the daily infection rate and wouldn’t want any to get infected.


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