NLO New Season Kicks Off March 16


The cradle of Nigeria football, Nationwide League One (NLO) will kick start her league season on Wednesday, 16th March, 2022.

Olushola Ogunnowo, the Chief Operating Officer of  NLO disclosed this to the media on Thursday,  noting that everything has been put in place to have a smooth sailing football season across the country.

“We are glad to announce that the Nationwide league season will commence on Wednesday 16th March, 2022 across all the centres in Nigeria,” Ogunnowo said.

“We sincerely admonish all the clubs participating in the league to be law abiding and obey all the football guidelines regarding all the games this season.

“The Board and Secretariat of the league have put all the necessary structures to have a rancor- free season in the Nationwide League and we hope this season will be an improvement on what we achieved last season,” he said.

He also revealed that vital information contained in documents made available to the media have been sent to the states’ football associations and all the clubs participating in the league this season.

“The Secretariat has sent documents to the States F.A and all the clubs to inform them of the commencement of the league and the league fixtures,” he added.


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