NNL Group A 1 : Kada City Bows out, Who Will Now Take The Lead


A great advantage for Nigerian Army sponsored team, Green Beret FC and Road Safety FC as the table leaders, Kada City withdraws from the league. Why?

Both Green Beret and Road Safety FC have 8 points each hitherto while Kada went home with 9 points.

Subsequently, the exit of Kada and the coming back from the break would throw the log into a big deal of competition of who takes the chance of by winning most matches and those free points of “Bye” games.

Kada City withdrawal is coming upon the background of an in- conducive environment and lack of financial fair play in the league issues noted in the letter sent to the NNL league board by the club Chairman, Ekene Abubakar Adams.

The campaign also have the likes of NAF FC, ABS of Ilorin , Kebbi United and the katsina based Malumfashi all having 7 points thereby throwing a big challenge of advancement struggle to the top position more high for the all teams after the break. Let’s wait and see that manifesting!

FC Zamfara United and DMD have 6 points each from 5 matches of the group fixtures.

Ultimately, Aklosendi FC, Oyah Sports and Kogi United seat respectively on the log with 5 points each making the conference a point sharing show.

As sketchy as it is, it is becoming so clear that the structure of the league couple with the conference idea remains an alien scheme which has not really invoked the simple standard of what a league looks like. So may be Kada City Chief was very descriptive when he said the league has no locus standi of investment wise and it gets so intolerable with the lack of sponsorship status of many teams.

Yemi Sodeeq


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