Chanchaga All Stars emerges champions of 2021 Mazan-Jiya football championship


Chanchaga All Stars of Minna have emerged as the champions of the 2021 edition of Niger state Mazan-Jiya (All Stars) football competition.

The Chanchaga team defeated Wakili All Stars also of Minna by a lone goal scored in the first half of the encounter by Usman Haruna who made a solo move to beat both the last defender and goalkeeper of Wakili All Stars before netting the ball.

All efforts by Wakili All Stars to level up the score in both first and second half of the game prove abortive as the Chanchaga All Stars defense line were fully on duty and refused to give way for equalization.

Speaking shortly after the final whistle, the Chairman of Niger State Football Association and an Executive Board Member of the Nigeria Football Federation, Alh. Ahmed Yusuf Fresh commended the organizers of the championship for the initiative.

He noted that the participants of the tournament were players whom were known during their playing days and have moved on with life after quiting active football but still have passion for the round leather game.

Alh. Yusuf Fresh who is equally a member of Confederation of Africa Football (CAF) technical and development committee hoped that the younger players will tap from the experience exhibited by the veteran footballers, and assured the organizers of the state football association’s support at all time.

Similarly, FIFA License Player Intermediary and founder of Ibro Dada Sports Synergy, Engr. Ibrahim Dada said he did not expect anything short of the level of discipline exhibited by the two finalists because they were all parents.

While congratulating Chanchaga All Stars for emerging champions of the competition, he equally commended Wakili All Stars for putting up a good fight till the end of regulation time.

Engr. Dada who was also a participant of the competition as a player commended the organizers of the competition for their efforts in bringing together those who have quit active football to come and fraternize with their pairs once again through football.

In his remarks also, the chairman of the organizing committee, Mall. Saidu Dada said the rationale behind the staging of the championship was to bring together those who have quit active football both still have passion for it to come and showcase their still remaining talent.

He added that the competition was a uniting factor for the retired footballers as the tournament afford the participants the opportunity to once again meet their contemporaries and rekindled their friendship.

The highlights of the event was presentation of trophies, medals, certificates and other prizes to teams and individual players who distinguished themselves during the championship. The two finalists went home with N50,000 each, while the organizers also got N100,000, courtesy of the state FA chairman, Comrade Ahmed Yusuf Fresh.

About 18 teams from within Minna and its environs participated in this year’s edition of the championship.


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